Found Learning in the category of Free Courses.
Projects created by Students and Colleges for key occupational health messages, with a range of different approaches, a mix of communication skills and interviews from the tutors and key influencers.
Course Lessons, Learning Menu: LOcHER Concepts, LOcHER Highlights, Developing New Approaches, LOcHER Competitions, Blackpool & The Fylde College, Preston's College, Dundee & Angus College, Coleg Gwent, South Essex College, LOcHER Pioneers, LOcHER Recognition, Make It Happen
Learning Related Tags: locher, students, colleges, occupational health, workplace, lung disease, asbestos, mesothelioma, asthma, injury, health, safety, developing new approaches, innovation, learning, occupational health, communication skills, interviews, popular,
Found Learning in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Learn how to safeguard potentially vulnerable adults. The types of abuse and neglect they experience including the signs and symptoms, and key considerations on mental capacity and opportunities for mis-use of power. How to respond, record evidence and report allegations of abuse and neglect in vulnerable adults using a person-centred approach.
Course Lessons, Learning Menu: Aims of Adult Safeguarding, Abuse & Neglect, Signs Symptoms & Warning Signs of Abuse & Neglect, Opportunities for Misuse of Power, How to Respond & Report, Managing a Safeguarding Enquiry, Mental Capacity, Quiz Questions
Learning Related Tags: level 3, safeguarding, protection, behaviour, maltreatment, vulnerable, crb, dbs, exploitation, health and safety, abuse, harm, neglect, negligence, stress, welfare, learning disabilities, person-centred, evidence,
Found Learning in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Learn about Coronavirus, COVID-19 and Pandemics. We outline the physical symptoms and how a virus spreads. Understand how good hygiene including hand washing technique (demonstrated within the elearning) is the best way to prevent a contamination among a workforce.
Course Lessons, Learning Menu: What is a Pandemic, Coronavirus Keypoints
Learning Related Tags: coronavirus, virus, pandemic, pandemic planning, business continuity, health emergency, COVID-19, hand washing, bacteria, safety, health, level 1,
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